a gift of wellness-10

Meet the Brassica Family

Let’s get you well aquatinted to this family. Including cauliflower and other vegetables from the cruciferous/Brassica family is something I try to add in at least a few times per week because of the vast benefits. Cruciferous vegetables contain a powerful pack of naturally occurring phytochemicals known as glucosinolates (a sulfur containing compound that is responsible for the pungent spicy, bitter aroma). Glucosinolates further break down into metabolites that each have a unique set of benefits. Some of the most studied metabolites are isothiocyanates such as sulforphane and indole-3 carbinol which have been found to have anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial properties as well as assisting in phase I and phase II detoxification in the liver. There is also a potential benefit of reducing cardiovascular disease related concerns such as having a heart attack as well as reducing LDL-cholesterol but there are more studies needed here.  I found one study to be really interesting as I am very interested in removing toxins from my lifestyle. This study showed that providing a broccoli sprout rich beverage enhanced urinary excretion of known carcinogens, benzene and acrolein!

These phytochemicals can be found in broccoli and broccoli sprouts, cabbage, bok choy, kale, mustard greens and Brussel sprouts to name a few. In order for glucosinolates to break down into the beneficial metabolites enzymes, myrosinases, are needed. These enzymes are  released when the raw plant is chopped or chewed.  Heat can decrease activity of this enzyme therefore it’s best to not overcook your vegetables. Along with being rich in phytochemicals this class of vegetables is also good sources of fiber, folate, vitamin K, vitamin C and calcium.

Best Cooking Practices to Get the Most Benefits

I recommend eating a combination of raw and lightly cooked vegetables. For example a salad or avocado toast topped with raw broccoli sprouts is a great way to benefit from a super powerful isothiocyanate known as sulforaphane. Check out my IG post on sprouting here

-Never BOIL your veggies

-Lightly steam for less than 5 minutes

-Sauté in a pan with EVOO or avocado oil over medium heat until a fork can just begin to pierce through

-Roast at 425F for 10-15 minutes


Now for the fun part, a new recipe:

If you are a fan of cauliflower you will love this creative recipe. Whenever I have cauliflower I usually lightly steam with some Himalayan salt and pepper but I was feeling bored with that method and come up with this recipe. I have seen before the idea of cauliflower steaks but not anything like this. What I love about recipes like this is the ability to change the ingredients based on what you have available. The sauce, cheese, vegetables can all be substitued.. Maybe you don’t have red sauce but have a pesto or Alfredo available that would also be so delicious. Maybe you’re not a fan of meat products and want to change out the chicken sausages with a protein alternative or want a different cheese, the options are endless. This can definitely be a main course as the fiber from the vegetables will likely keep you full and satisfied.

I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I did.


Click here for the a pdf recipe card

a gift of wellness-8

An introduction: Toxins in our environment and what we can do

I have been spending quite a bit of time digging through research articles, listening to podcasts and overall increasing my awareness on the ways toxins are interrupting so many parts of our lives. I will admit, I was an anti “detoxer” for a long time. I was previously taught that “detoxing” was unnecessary as  most of us are well equipped with a liver that detoxes for us.  These silly “cleanses” and “detoxes” therefore were just a scam and money maker for corporations selling products and quick fixes for weight loss.  While I still believe that some of those methods of “detoxing” are not practical, appropriate, healthy or supported by research there is no denying that the amount of chemicals, pesticides, and pollutants we are exposed to on the daily are not going to be good for us now or in the long run. As a dietitian with an integrative outlook, I know that to achieve optimal health I cannot turn a blind eye to this huge toxic concern. When my clients come to me with a goal with their diet I believe we need to address way more than calories in and calories out. You can expect quite an in-depth review of your day-to-day lifestyle which includes a review of the types of products you use in your home and on your body. I have found it to be fascinating within myself to see such positive changes by simply removing certain items from my day-to-day use. While we cannot eliminate these toxins completely from our life there are changes  we can make regarding not only our diet but the products we purchase to clean our home and ourselves.

Unfortunately, the rate at which chemicals are being produced is way too fast for any solid research to be completed on the effects on our body or environment. In fact, since the industrial revolution around 144,000 chemicals have been introduced into production (this number is likely way higher). What is most concerning is that even if research could be completed on even half of these chemicals what about the interaction between two chemicals or with 10 others which is often found on the labels of many common cleaning and personal care items. We know from the research that has been done that there is a wide spectrum of concerns with these chemicals including but not limited to:


-Respiratory disorders (COPD, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia)

-Hormone/Endocrine disrupters*

-Skin irritants and burns

-Reduced neurodevelopment in children

-Ischemic heart disease/strokes

-Adverse pregnancy outcomes (low-birth weight, pre-maturity, congenital defects, stillbirths)**

-Mood disorders

-Weight gain***

* Hormones, part of the endocrine system, are natural molecules that send signals throughout our body and control many aspects of our physiology to help maintain homeostasis. A few examples of hormones here include insulin (helps to lower blood glucose and stimulates metabolism), glucagon (present in times of low blood glucose to help create energy from stored glycogen), and estrogen (major hormone of the female reproductive system, also present in men). Endocrine disruptors are synthetic foreign chemicals that can disrupt these hormones which then alter that hormones function. We know that there at least over a 1000 chemicals that may disrupt endocrine function which include phthalates, bisphenols, flame retardants, and pesticides.

** The data looking into the effects of certain pollutants on the ability to conceive as well as the effects on offspring has been so alarming to me. Studies show that babies are being born into this world already with a plethora of toxins in their system and also these toxins can be multigenerational meaning they can continue to pass from one generation to another. [1]

*** I want to elaborate a little on this weight gain concern considering weight issues are a primary concern of many.  Our liver was simply not designed to handle the burden of this vast exposure to toxins and can only detox to a certain extent. The remaining are mainly stored in our fat cells. Back to the above information on endocrine disruption. About 50 chemicals, such as BPA[2]  and PFAS[3] are now being categorized as “obesogens”. These chemicals can make fat cells larger, cause weight gain and act as synthetic  estrogen contributing to misguided hormones/metabolism. Data shows that this is probably the safest place to store these toxins rather than in our critical and vital organs. An interesting study examined this as to understand an obesity paradox in which elderly with obesity had lower mortality risk than those with an ideal body weight. The study observed the presence of 23 persistent organic pollutants (POP) and found that “In those with low POP concentrations, there was no obesity paradox; mortality increased with fat mass (hazard ratios about 2-3 in the highest vs. lowest quintile of fat mass). However, consistent with an obesity paradox, these patterns completely disappeared in those with high POP concentrations”. They concluded that adipose tissue was a safe place to store these toxins.[4]


It is easy to get overwhelmed by all this but don’t stress (this is what I had to keep telling myself). There is so many things we can gradually do to help eliminate some of the concerning products in our lives and foods we can eat to help encourage detoxification. We can’t do it all but we can control items that come in to our home and the food we put in to our body. From the list below try to pick a few items a week to focus on:

-Dust regularly (with non-toxic polish or a DIY cleaner)

-Purchase an air filter and replace regularly. If you live in an apartment home check in with your landlord about replacing your air filter.

-Slowly start removing cleaning and personal care products that are loaded with chemicals ( see below for a Natural Home Shopping List and a few recipes to make your own cleaners)

-Download and use the EWG healthy living app or website to the check the safety of your products.

-Stick to food and products that are closest to its natural form. i.e a whole potato/vegetables vs potato or vegetable chips, chicken vs deli meat chicken

-Choose organic whenever possible and especially for the Dirty Dozen List (see previous blog)

-Switch out plastic containers, bottles, and straws for glass or stainless steel

-Switch out non-stick cookware for stainless steel or cast iron

-Include whole, bright-colored fruits and vegetables and cruciferous vegetables in your diet to provide natural flavonoids and phenolic compounds that support detoxification (definitely more coming on this!)

I hope to provide more resources, recipes and guidance on ways to gradually reduce the toxic load in our homes. We are all on our own journey and I have to say this has been a work in progress for me. I still have cleaners under my kitchen sink that I haven’t been disposed of yet and beauty products that I haven’t been able to let go of but I am aware and not purchasing any more of these items. I have also let my family know that for gifts I would prefer not to receive any smelly candles or highly scented body lotions/beauty products. While I do love the smell of these items I have made some really delicious natural perfumes with my essential oils that I know are safe and benefit me in more ways than one. Drop a comment below if you have any tips on reducing toxins in your home or if you have any questions




a gift of wellness-9

The Dirty Dozen

To choose organic or not is such a big question. For many years I would say it’s better to just have any fruit or vegetable if you cannot afford organic however my thoughts have most definitely shifted after combing through data and studies. The Dirty Dozen list created by The Environmental Working Group (EWG) provides the top 12 crops that have the highest pesticide residue after carefully analyzing data by the Department of Agriculture. This list is updated annually and in just this year collard and mustard greens were added as well as bell and hot peppers. In reading the review of this years findings the EWG is looking at citrus fruits for high amounts of fungicides such as Imazalil. About 6000 pounds of the fungicide Imazalil is used annually and is used for “post harvest use on bananas, citrus, and preplanting seed treatments of barley and wheat” 1 . This product is classified as “likely to be carcinogenic in humans” and also a hormone disrupter. However it’s also noted that there is reasonable certainty that there is no harm from aggregate exposure to Imazalil. Aggregate exposure means that when exposed to this single pesticide. This same conclusion was also drawn on another pesticide known as DCPA/Dacthal which was actually banned by the European Union  in 2009 2. Unfortunately we know that in most cases there is more than one chemical used so what is the risk when combined with other pesticides? And if it has carcinogenic concerns how is there no harm? It is these questions that as consumers we need to ask.

The dirty dozen are fruits and vegetables I would not eat unless organic. Other conventionally grown crops not on this list I would say to make your own judgement based on financial ability and access to organic produce. I personally prefer organic when available however this is not an option for everyone and myself at all times and that is ok. I always will encourage the best for my clients and will work with them wherever they are at however these 12 crops should be purchased organically as I believe the risks outweigh the benefits especially on young, developing brains. In practical terms though I would say if you have a non-organic apple here and there or one tomato at a restaurant that is not organic don’t stress it! But if you are eating an apple a day or a kale salad every day definitely make it organic, make sense?

In regards to washing produce to remove pesticides this is not always effective. Many pesticides are in the actual flesh of the produce and unable to simply wash off; you will notice that the dirty dozen crops are crops that you can’t really peel. I do encourage washing all produce to remove dirt, grime and maybe a small percentage of pesticide (if conventionally grown). I like to fill up my kitchen sink with cool water,  add a few drops of doTERRA Lemon or OnGuard essential oil 3 swirl around and add my produce to soak. I then use a vegetable brush 4 to lightly scrub the item. Drain the sink, give a final rinse and then allow to air dry.

I have created a printable postcard of this list for you to print or save to your phone. Take this with you whenever you visit your next market. Keep in mind that Farmers Markets are a great place to get your fresh produce but always ask your farmer what type of pesticides they are using on their produce. Some farmers are not certified organic but still follow organic growing practices. I hope this helps!

a gift of wellness-5

Part 2: Adapting to stress

Welcome to part two of this stress series.  In part one I explained the stress response and what consequences our bodies may face. Part two is the fun part where I get to highlight a few plants that can help reduce stress and/or train our bodies to manage stress more efficiently.

Adaptogenic herbs***(see below) have been used in Chinese medicine and Ayurveda medicine, the oldest medical system, for centuries however over the last few years there has most definitely been a spike in marketing. Many companies are jumping on the adaptogenic herb train and marketing items such as coffee, teas, tonics, capsules, and tinctures.  So what are adaptogens and is it worth trying?

The best way for me to understand adaptogens is to think what adapting mean. I think back to a time where I was training for a 10K that involved a lot of hills. To train for this race I tried to find routes that were similar in topography and increased the incline on my treadmill runs. For this I was adapting my body to this upcoming event. The same concept goes for adaptogens.

Adaptogens are a class of plants/herbs that help our body adapt to stress. They act as “good stressors that mimic mild stress in the body and therefore decrease acute distress by modifying chronically high levels of the stress hormones cortisol…”.1 The exact mechanism isn’t quite clear but we know that adaptogens have high concentrations of phytochemicals that work on many different functions in the body and interact with different chemical receptors; therefore their actions and benefits are considered non-specific. This means they do not act on only one part, or receptor, in the body.

With stress there are 3 phases, alarm, resistance, and exhaustion. Adaptogens work mostly on the alarm phase by decreasing the side effects we generally feel and then reducing the exhaustion phase. So to put it together if we are adding daily adaptogens in to your diet than those future alarming stressors will have a much milder effect on our body. Ultimately we are looking for overall decreasing these high levels of cortisol circulating in our body. Below check out a few common adaptogens.

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera): this root powder herb has been used for thousands of years particularly in Ayurveda medicine for multiple purposes. From helping to lower blood glucose, acting as a powerful antioxidant, decreasing perceived stress/circulating cortisol, and balance of hormones it really is an herb of great significance. Of note there is still a lot of human studies ongoing and does recommendations vary from 300mg-600mg/day across different studies 3. Ashwagandha can be found in my Moon Milk recipe (see below). Look to your local health food store to purchase. I can attest that consuming around bedtime has been great for my sleep and improved my overall zen 🙂

Holy Basil/Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum): also known as “the Queen of herbs” 2, this herb has been studied for many reasons including protection from toxic effects of chemicals and pollutant and counter metabolic stress. Until doTERRA releases their Tulsi oil you can find it in tinctures or capsules.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa): the active compound in turmeric, curcumin, is the primary component that has been found to have many benefits including being anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti carcinogenic. There are more studies starting to show that curcumin may also hold adaptogenic properties by reducing the amount of cortisol produced but again, more studies are needed. Knowing that this herb does possess known benefits it is definitely one I feel comfortable adding to my daily regimens and why I included it in my moon milk  recipe.

Ginseng (Panax ginseng)the primary antioxidant compound in the plant root, ginsenosides, has been studied for it’s immunomodulating and cardioprotective benefits. The exact mechanism of action is still unclear  however so far it seems to target the HPA axis (see part 1 for more information) and provide immune support 4.

Amla (Emblica officinalis): An adaptogen but also being studied for it anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial products. Find it in capsules or tinctures.


With this discussion I also want to highlight a doTERRA oil blend that has similar properties and benefits to herbal adaptogens. Adaptiv is a unique and thoughtfully blended creation of wild orange, lavender, copaiba, spearmint, magnolia, rosemary, neroli, and sweetgum. These oils work synergistically together to promote feelings of calm in times of tension.  Adaptiv has a sweet smell that I love to wear as a perfume as it has way more benefits than just smelling good. At work when things just feel chaotic, I use my Adaptiv roller along my hair line and neck to find composure. It’s also great for moodiness during that time of the month or when I am just not the happiest. It’s actually diffusing next to me as I am writing this blog and making me feel quite motivated.


doTERRA also has also released the Adaptiv capsules that contain the oil blend along with GABA, an amino acid that attaches to receptors in the brain to help promote calm states, and the botanical extract Sceletium, a succulent plant native to South Africa that traditionally is used for promoting feelings of well-being and managing stress.  If you find yourself intrigued with the use of Adaptiv or essential oils contact me for a free talk!







Click here for the PDF recipe Moon Milk


***The use of some herbs and alternative therapies may be contraindicated with certain medical conditions and/or negatively interact with medications you may be taking. I suggest speaking with your doctor prior to incorporating these therapies in to your diet.


Part 1: Stress, what it does to our body

Have you been feeling stressed lately? If you answered yes this is completely normal, more than likely most of us feel stress on the daily. Especially in the world we live in the amount of stressors are endless. Work, family, relationships, and environmental conditions are just some of the stressors we may face. While having stress is a part of our life it’s how we manage it that is important. Some stress can actually be motivating for us however we also know that chronic stress can have detrimental effects on our health. This is where we also see the link between nutrition and stress making it an area I feel is important to discuss. Digestive issues, gastric ulcers, depression, moodiness, poor sleep, pre-mature aging, cognitive decline, high blood pressure, and cancer are just some of the health conditions we may face. Understanding how our body reacts when under pressure is important. For a majority of my career I have worked with people once they already face these medical conditions but if we know all the things that can prevent an illness I like to take a proactive approach and treat some of the underlying factors if at all possible.


Imagine this situation you’re jogging on the side of the road when a car coming in your direction is heading straight toward you. Worried that you may be hit by this distracted driver your brain senses this danger leading to a series of physiological events along the hypothalamus pituitary adrenal axis (HPA) and is part of the sympathetic nervous system. This signaling pathway from the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland (both in the brain) causes the adrenal glands (right above the kidneys) to secrete the hormones cortisol and epinephrine (aka adrenaline). Cortisol has a few functions in the body that can help us deal with the danger. One it releases stored blood sugar into the bloodstream so that we have the energy to fight the stressor. Along with providing glucose it also turns down insulin production to prevent glucose from being stored so the glucose remains available for use. It also turns down non-essential functions when we are in this ‘fighting’ situation such as digestion and reproduction. As mentioned previously having some stress and cortisol release can be a good thing. For example, when exercising you’re pushing your body into sometimes an uncomfortable state and cortisol can help supply blood glucose to your large muscle groups. Cortisol narrows your blood vessels while epinephrine increases heart rate, together causing the blood to pump faster throughout your body. So back to the car scenario this pathway of events gives our bodies the energy to jump out of the way and save ourselves.  Once the situation has resolved hormones level return to normal and we go about our day. But in the event this stress becomes a constant, cortisol levels remains high.

Thinking back to what cortisol does in the body when it’s told to fight or flee a situation the health concerns we can expect become apparent.


Release of glucose into the bloodstream and insulin production turned down. Can you guess what this may cause? If you guessed diabetes or weight gain you are right! Diabetes (type 2) is brought on by chronically high levels of blood glucose. One of the functions of your pancreas is to create and release insulin however when there is too much glucose it is unable to keep up with the insulin demand and eventually tires out.  Chronically high cortisol levels mimic this situation as insulin production is turned down. Without insulin our cells are not getting the energy they need. Starved cells then signal to our brain to eat more food and the cycle worsens. Also remember that any unused glucose is stored as fat.

-Reduced digestion: Digestion is a process that works best when we are operating within our parasympathetic nervous system.  We know that during stressful times we are operating within the sympathetic nervous system. Unfortunately, we can’t operate these two systems simultaneously. One with chronic stress can experience bloating, indigestion, and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract which may lead to gastric ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease (IBS/IBD) to name a few.

Vasoconstriction and increased heart rate: While it’s good to have increased heart rate and more efficient blood flow throughout the body when needed, over time it can lead to cardiovascular concerns. A continuous constriction of the arteries can lead to damage and plaque development. I look back at my time working in the hospital in which so many patients came in with strokes and very little (and in most cases) there was no focus on stress and how to manage this HUGE risk factor.


I mentioned also the risk of cognitive decline, poor memory, and disrupted sleep as possible side effects as well and without going into a whole ton of detail on the chemistry behind how this damage occurs, I will link an article for my science peeps and also provide a super short synopsis. Our brain has several different regions, all of which provide different functions. The hippocampus (responsible for memory and learning), amygdala (emotional responses), and pre-frontal cortex (attention, concentration, focus) make up the limbic system of the brain and are the areas where chronic stress starts to cause long-term problems. Chronic stress has been found to impact all of these areas a little bit differently from structural changes, reduced neuron development/survival, atrophy or damage from high amount of inflammatory markers.


My hope for this blog is that my audience can put more focus on lifestyle and how important it is to manage more than just our diet. We could have the most perfect diet but if we are chronically stressed we are not going to reap all the benefits of that diet. In the next part of this two part series I will be discussing the use of adaptogenic herbs to help combat the effects of stress including my favorite evening cocktail, MOON MILK 🙂 .I will also share some resources for stress management including my favorite essential oil blend, Adaptiv..



a gift of wellness-4

My Top Tips to Get you Well

Cold and flu season is most definitely upon us and with COVID-19 raging the struggle to stay healthy is real! While prevention is key, for some of us it is inevitable that we may come down with some sort of bug. Fear not though we can and will get through these times! I am on the tail end of my recovery from COVID-19 and I decided to document all my practices as I have been so amazed and thankful for a body that got me through this journey. Listed is my top tips to beat any virus/illness/bug to help you or your loved one get back on the wellness train quicker and stronger.


I can’t stress the importance of adequate hydration enough. Water accounts for roughly 60% of our total body weight making it one of the most important components of our diet. Some of the most notable functions includes the transport of nutrients and oxygen from blood into cells, fuels hundreds of metabolic reactions, flushes out waste products through the kidney and liver, keeps mucus membranes moistened, and cushions joints. Unless there is a medical condition in which fluids need to be restricted (such as heart failure or kidney disease) aim for at least 30-40mL/kg for adults. For fevers fluid requirements go up by about 2.5mL/kg for every degree over normal (98.6F). Also illnesses that are accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea these fluid losses will need replacing.

For example, take a 165 pound/75kg adult (165 divided by 2.2 to get kg).

75kg x 30-40ml = 2250-3000mL (~2.3-3.0L/day).

Then if this person had a 100-degree temperature (100-98.6F = 1.4)

2.5mL/75kg = 187.5mL x 1.4 = 262.5mL or 8.75oz additional fluids would be needed.

While water is the best option fluid goals can be obtained with non-caffeinated tea, fresh fruits and vegetables, broth/soups, and 100% juice.

For any difficulty consuming enough fluids I suggest estimating needs using the equation above and filling up water bottles or a large water pitcher with all your needs and keep close by. There are also several apps available to help with hydration reminders.


Unfortunately, loss of appetite is one of the main symptoms of any illness but one of the most important factors in getting us well. I like to focus on nutrient dense food and a balance of protein and healthy carbohydrates. This means fresh fruits and vegetables (frozen or canned in 100% juice will also be great) paired with a grain or starch such as potato, winter squash, tortilla or whole-grain bread and a lean protein such as chicken, tofu, turkey or protein replacement (i.e powder or bar). An important reminder, if you’re making meals for yourself or a loved one, during times of illness our bodies are doing a lot of work on the inside to fight whatever the battle is. This process can bring about inflammation and make digestion more difficult. Therefore avoid “heavy” foods such as creamy, high-fat, heavily seasoned items. Raw foods may even be better tolerated when cooked (for example lightly steamed veggies instead of a salad)

Calorie and protein needs are different for each person but needs may be increased during times of illness especially for elevated temperatures. If you are having a hard time eating because of lack of appetite and/or smell/taste changes liquids may be better tolerated. There are several oral nutrition supplements on the market. I personally like Orgain drinks and keep my pantry stocked with ready to pour protein shakes or powders and greens for an easy way to fulfill your nutrition needs. (Comment below for a 30% discount code for your first Orgain order). Juices are a great way to get immune protecting vitamins. My favorite juice blends are carrot + ginger (beta-carotene from the carrots provides a healthy dose of antioxidants) and fresh squeezed orange juice + turmeric (high in vitamin C and anti-inflammatory properties)

Here is a typical day for me when I am sick:

½ cup oatmeal with 1tsp cinnamon topped with a splash of almond milk and chopped banana
2 scrambled eggs
Hot water with Manuka honey and two drops of doTERRA On Guard (I will explain below)

Handful of crackers

Fruit smoothie with scoop of greens and protein powder

Chicken soup with lots of veggie
Whole-grain toast
Hot water with Manuka honey and 2 drops of doTERRA On Guard

Homemade chicken soup with mushrooms, kale, carrots, celery and cashew cream


During the cold and flu season I prepare myself before getting sick by making sure my diet contains a rainbow of fruits and vegetables, minimal concentrated sweets and adequate protein and fluids.  I also have been adding additional vitamins and minerals to support immune health including vitamin C*, zinc and vitamin D. Knowing my body is fueled appropriately before getting sick gives me peace of mind that if and when I do get sick my body will be well equipped to fight off the invader. For dosage I stick to the minimum (Vitamin C 500-1000mg/day, Zinc 15-30mg/day, Vitamin D 1000-2000IU/day**). With approximately 75% of our immunity in the trillions of microorganisms that line our  gastrointestinal tract I also make sure to maintain gut health with a fiber-rich diet and a probiotic with at least 30 billion CFU’s.

*For a diagnosis of kidney disease and/or on dialysis hold off on the vitamin C
**If you have had a vitamin D test recently this can give you a better idea of how much to supplement (reach out to me for more personalized advice)

Relax and Rest

When I get sick I immediately start thinking of all the work that will get behind and try to make up for it by working from home or stressing but in reality all that doesn’t matter. Quality work doesn’t happen unless we are well. Knowing that the majority of our healing occurs during restful sleep, use this time to take a break from the stress of work and personal life and focus on yourself. I find relief from worrying of all the tasks I may get behind on by making lists because If I write it down I know it won’t get forgotten and that helps give me peace of mind. I also enjoy listening to calming music and meditations or reading to help my mind slow down so I can prepare for quality rest. I use Spotify to access meditations but these are available on most music platforms. (Thank you Brittany Boersma founder of @BZenWellness for the great recommendations) The app Calm also provides so many great relaxing soundscapes and guided meditations. Essential oils are my favorite part of my relaxation routine. My favorite oils to diffuse are Lavender, Cedarwood, Roman chamomile and Frankincense.


Your body is requiring more energy to heal and conquer the invader therefore this is not the time to continue training for your marathon. It doesn’t mean that you can not do any movement but just a time to slow down. Body aches and pains can also damper the ability to do much. With my most recent illness I slept more than I had since I was a baby and I let myself because I knew that was what my body needed. With that though my body was so stiff and uncomfortable. I made a point to spend 5-10 minutes a few times each day (between naps) to do some light stretching. I personally love Sydney Cummings You-tube channel for all things fitness. Her Youtube channel is so nicely organized with different playlists including one for stretching. My lower back and hamstrings tightened up from laying in bed all week and I was able to find a streching video specifically for this area. So when can you start training again? This all depends on what kind of illness you’ve had. For example, if you had a moderate or severe case of COVID-19, the risk of having developed cardiac injury is higher in which returning to high-intensity exercise would not be recommended. I encourage you to reach out to your doctor for advice on when it is safe to resume.


Alternative practices

Essential Oils: The last year has been a great exploration on the use of essential oils for so many ailments and this therapy has really come in handy for my recent illness. From preventive measures to times of illness I have found a use for essential oils that have helped immensely.My lovely friend Freedom with Moonbeam Daydream had all the advice for oils to include in my get-well regimen. I prefer doTERRA oils as I know I am getting the most pure and potent essential oils and it is a company that I trust.  I will list my top oils that I reached for during my healing journey**

On Guard: a blend of wild orange, clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus, and rosemary. This oil is great for immune support and killing germs and pathogens. Daily I put two drops in a tsp of Manuka honey with 8-10oz hot water. I also diffused regularly to clean the air.

Oregano: this oil is great for any cold or virus due to its antibacterial and antiviral properties. I take 2 drops in a veggie capsule daily and also rub a few drops on the bottoms of my feet (quickest way to get oils absorbed into the blood stream)

-Peppermint: I reach for this oil with any headaches, sinus issues, and/or fevers. This latest illness brough a few days of fevers, headaches and body aches. A few drops on the bottom of my feet and along the base of my neck and shoulders helped provide soothing relief.

-Breathe: this is doTERRA’s signature respiration blend and it is one of my favorites. I used it for congestion and to help with sinusitis. My favorite way to use this one is applied over my chest and a drop under my nose. Diffused by my bedside also help with sleep.

-Frankincense: this oil is really useful in so many  ways but what I have used it for lately is my sciatica and back discomfort. As mentioned above sleeping so much, being less active than usual and with overall body aches made me super uncomfortable. I found so much relief from a few drops rubbed along my tailbone and then laying on a heating pad. Heat is a great way to drive oils in as well as providing soothing relief from discomfort. This is really the only way I sleep well with body aches.

-Clove: another protecting oil with antiviral properties. I used this oil by taking a few drops in a veggie capsule (along with the oregano as stated above) and also rubbed along the bottoms of my feet.

A powerful punch of oils!

**Of note, the use of essential oils is not an FDA approved recommended therapy. My recommendations are based on my own studies and personal practices.

Manuka Honey: There is a lot of exciting research emerging about Manuka honey’s benefits including the antibacterial and antioxidant properties which makes this powerhouse food a must-have for any get-well toolbox. The honey provides a comforting and soothing addition to hot beverages such as the above-mentioned hot water and On Guard. I personally have been using Manukora honey as the flavor is so perfect and their sustainable and traceable practices make it a wonderful company to support.


I hope this was able to provide at the least some encouragement to take care of yourselves. Our bodies are such amazing machines and it is up to us to fuel it appropriately with food, water, and love.  If you have any questions about any of the information above or want more personalized assistance than please reach out. I now have a complementary,10 minute Q & A session available. Click here for details and booking.