a gift of wellness-4

My Top Tips to Get you Well

Cold and flu season is most definitely upon us and with COVID-19 raging the struggle to stay healthy is real! While prevention is key, for some of us it is inevitable that we may come down with some sort of bug. Fear not though we can and will get through these times! I am on the tail end of my recovery from COVID-19 and I decided to document all my practices as I have been so amazed and thankful for a body that got me through this journey. Listed is my top tips to beat any virus/illness/bug to help you or your loved one get back on the wellness train quicker and stronger.


I can’t stress the importance of adequate hydration enough. Water accounts for roughly 60% of our total body weight making it one of the most important components of our diet. Some of the most notable functions includes the transport of nutrients and oxygen from blood into cells, fuels hundreds of metabolic reactions, flushes out waste products through the kidney and liver, keeps mucus membranes moistened, and cushions joints. Unless there is a medical condition in which fluids need to be restricted (such as heart failure or kidney disease) aim for at least 30-40mL/kg for adults. For fevers fluid requirements go up by about 2.5mL/kg for every degree over normal (98.6F). Also illnesses that are accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea these fluid losses will need replacing.

For example, take a 165 pound/75kg adult (165 divided by 2.2 to get kg).

75kg x 30-40ml = 2250-3000mL (~2.3-3.0L/day).

Then if this person had a 100-degree temperature (100-98.6F = 1.4)

2.5mL/75kg = 187.5mL x 1.4 = 262.5mL or 8.75oz additional fluids would be needed.

While water is the best option fluid goals can be obtained with non-caffeinated tea, fresh fruits and vegetables, broth/soups, and 100% juice.

For any difficulty consuming enough fluids I suggest estimating needs using the equation above and filling up water bottles or a large water pitcher with all your needs and keep close by. There are also several apps available to help with hydration reminders.


Unfortunately, loss of appetite is one of the main symptoms of any illness but one of the most important factors in getting us well. I like to focus on nutrient dense food and a balance of protein and healthy carbohydrates. This means fresh fruits and vegetables (frozen or canned in 100% juice will also be great) paired with a grain or starch such as potato, winter squash, tortilla or whole-grain bread and a lean protein such as chicken, tofu, turkey or protein replacement (i.e powder or bar). An important reminder, if you’re making meals for yourself or a loved one, during times of illness our bodies are doing a lot of work on the inside to fight whatever the battle is. This process can bring about inflammation and make digestion more difficult. Therefore avoid “heavy” foods such as creamy, high-fat, heavily seasoned items. Raw foods may even be better tolerated when cooked (for example lightly steamed veggies instead of a salad)

Calorie and protein needs are different for each person but needs may be increased during times of illness especially for elevated temperatures. If you are having a hard time eating because of lack of appetite and/or smell/taste changes liquids may be better tolerated. There are several oral nutrition supplements on the market. I personally like Orgain drinks and keep my pantry stocked with ready to pour protein shakes or powders and greens for an easy way to fulfill your nutrition needs. (Comment below for a 30% discount code for your first Orgain order). Juices are a great way to get immune protecting vitamins. My favorite juice blends are carrot + ginger (beta-carotene from the carrots provides a healthy dose of antioxidants) and fresh squeezed orange juice + turmeric (high in vitamin C and anti-inflammatory properties)

Here is a typical day for me when I am sick:

½ cup oatmeal with 1tsp cinnamon topped with a splash of almond milk and chopped banana
2 scrambled eggs
Hot water with Manuka honey and two drops of doTERRA On Guard (I will explain below)

Handful of crackers

Fruit smoothie with scoop of greens and protein powder

Chicken soup with lots of veggie
Whole-grain toast
Hot water with Manuka honey and 2 drops of doTERRA On Guard

Homemade chicken soup with mushrooms, kale, carrots, celery and cashew cream


During the cold and flu season I prepare myself before getting sick by making sure my diet contains a rainbow of fruits and vegetables, minimal concentrated sweets and adequate protein and fluids.  I also have been adding additional vitamins and minerals to support immune health including vitamin C*, zinc and vitamin D. Knowing my body is fueled appropriately before getting sick gives me peace of mind that if and when I do get sick my body will be well equipped to fight off the invader. For dosage I stick to the minimum (Vitamin C 500-1000mg/day, Zinc 15-30mg/day, Vitamin D 1000-2000IU/day**). With approximately 75% of our immunity in the trillions of microorganisms that line our  gastrointestinal tract I also make sure to maintain gut health with a fiber-rich diet and a probiotic with at least 30 billion CFU’s.

*For a diagnosis of kidney disease and/or on dialysis hold off on the vitamin C
**If you have had a vitamin D test recently this can give you a better idea of how much to supplement (reach out to me for more personalized advice)

Relax and Rest

When I get sick I immediately start thinking of all the work that will get behind and try to make up for it by working from home or stressing but in reality all that doesn’t matter. Quality work doesn’t happen unless we are well. Knowing that the majority of our healing occurs during restful sleep, use this time to take a break from the stress of work and personal life and focus on yourself. I find relief from worrying of all the tasks I may get behind on by making lists because If I write it down I know it won’t get forgotten and that helps give me peace of mind. I also enjoy listening to calming music and meditations or reading to help my mind slow down so I can prepare for quality rest. I use Spotify to access meditations but these are available on most music platforms. (Thank you Brittany Boersma founder of @BZenWellness for the great recommendations) The app Calm also provides so many great relaxing soundscapes and guided meditations. Essential oils are my favorite part of my relaxation routine. My favorite oils to diffuse are Lavender, Cedarwood, Roman chamomile and Frankincense.


Your body is requiring more energy to heal and conquer the invader therefore this is not the time to continue training for your marathon. It doesn’t mean that you can not do any movement but just a time to slow down. Body aches and pains can also damper the ability to do much. With my most recent illness I slept more than I had since I was a baby and I let myself because I knew that was what my body needed. With that though my body was so stiff and uncomfortable. I made a point to spend 5-10 minutes a few times each day (between naps) to do some light stretching. I personally love Sydney Cummings You-tube channel for all things fitness. Her Youtube channel is so nicely organized with different playlists including one for stretching. My lower back and hamstrings tightened up from laying in bed all week and I was able to find a streching video specifically for this area. So when can you start training again? This all depends on what kind of illness you’ve had. For example, if you had a moderate or severe case of COVID-19, the risk of having developed cardiac injury is higher in which returning to high-intensity exercise would not be recommended. I encourage you to reach out to your doctor for advice on when it is safe to resume.


Alternative practices

Essential Oils: The last year has been a great exploration on the use of essential oils for so many ailments and this therapy has really come in handy for my recent illness. From preventive measures to times of illness I have found a use for essential oils that have helped immensely.My lovely friend Freedom with Moonbeam Daydream had all the advice for oils to include in my get-well regimen. I prefer doTERRA oils as I know I am getting the most pure and potent essential oils and it is a company that I trust.  I will list my top oils that I reached for during my healing journey**

On Guard: a blend of wild orange, clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus, and rosemary. This oil is great for immune support and killing germs and pathogens. Daily I put two drops in a tsp of Manuka honey with 8-10oz hot water. I also diffused regularly to clean the air.

Oregano: this oil is great for any cold or virus due to its antibacterial and antiviral properties. I take 2 drops in a veggie capsule daily and also rub a few drops on the bottoms of my feet (quickest way to get oils absorbed into the blood stream)

-Peppermint: I reach for this oil with any headaches, sinus issues, and/or fevers. This latest illness brough a few days of fevers, headaches and body aches. A few drops on the bottom of my feet and along the base of my neck and shoulders helped provide soothing relief.

-Breathe: this is doTERRA’s signature respiration blend and it is one of my favorites. I used it for congestion and to help with sinusitis. My favorite way to use this one is applied over my chest and a drop under my nose. Diffused by my bedside also help with sleep.

-Frankincense: this oil is really useful in so many  ways but what I have used it for lately is my sciatica and back discomfort. As mentioned above sleeping so much, being less active than usual and with overall body aches made me super uncomfortable. I found so much relief from a few drops rubbed along my tailbone and then laying on a heating pad. Heat is a great way to drive oils in as well as providing soothing relief from discomfort. This is really the only way I sleep well with body aches.

-Clove: another protecting oil with antiviral properties. I used this oil by taking a few drops in a veggie capsule (along with the oregano as stated above) and also rubbed along the bottoms of my feet.

A powerful punch of oils!

**Of note, the use of essential oils is not an FDA approved recommended therapy. My recommendations are based on my own studies and personal practices.

Manuka Honey: There is a lot of exciting research emerging about Manuka honey’s benefits including the antibacterial and antioxidant properties which makes this powerhouse food a must-have for any get-well toolbox. The honey provides a comforting and soothing addition to hot beverages such as the above-mentioned hot water and On Guard. I personally have been using Manukora honey as the flavor is so perfect and their sustainable and traceable practices make it a wonderful company to support.


I hope this was able to provide at the least some encouragement to take care of yourselves. Our bodies are such amazing machines and it is up to us to fuel it appropriately with food, water, and love.  If you have any questions about any of the information above or want more personalized assistance than please reach out. I now have a complementary,10 minute Q & A session available. Click here for details and booking.

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