doTERRA LRP Details

My November doTERRA LRP Order

If you are familiar with doTERRA you likely know that the LRP program/benefit is really amazing. Every month this LRP order you can quality for PV points which can be used to buy oils down the road. Also with qualifying orders (at least 125 PV) you will receive the free product of the month. Some months there are free products plus additional free items for orders exceeding a certain amount. For example last month I placed a 200 PV order and received the free product (Clove) plus a free Calmer and Tamer roller, 15mL Peppermint  and the DigestZen Softgels. Please reach out if you have any questions regarding doTERRA and/or the LRP orders. I would love to chat and give you all the details! The use of essential oils has become part of my everyday routine and I love to advocate for things I personally have studied and found benefits from. I thought I would detail my order I received this month to help provide some personal insight on these oils…

Lemon– I go through a bottle of lemon oil each month because I use it in so many ways. From water/tea flavoring, making cleaning products, or helping me focus and provide energy throughout my day it is the multipurpose qualities that makes lemon definitely one of my top 5 oils. 

Grapefruit-also an oil I go through quickly as it has become part of my post-shower routine (few drops in fractionated coconut oil and massaged into skin to help with the detoxification process and helping decrease the appearance of cellulite). Also it’s great in water, helps to control sugar cravings and is just so energizing. 

Wintergreen-this is my first time with this oil but I was drawn to it because of its analgesic and anti- inflammatory properties. So far it’s felt so good rubbed on sore muscles and joints. More to come on this one but so far I’m really enjoying it

Lavender-also a top 5 for me! So many uses with lavender. Traditionally I always used lavender before sleep for the calming effects but it’s become part of my morning routine as well. Good communication is key for successful personal and business relationships and I have found  lavender along my throat to be so helpful in finding my words and expressing myself methodically. I can go on with why I love lavender and all the uses but I’ll stop there for now 🙂

Wild orange-another top 5 for me. This was one of the first oils I had learned about from a dear friend so it holds special memories for me. As a side note this is one of the reasons I love oils: Scent is tied to emotions and memories and I love being able to open a bottle of oil and be brought back to these memories and people. For wild orange I enjoy a drop in tea or baked breads and use it frequently to help with fatigue and coping with stress. Most importantly wild orange is about abundance and creativity. When I smell wild orange I think of my start with doTERRA and the friendships that have been created. It has become an inspiring and motivating oil that revs up my creativity real quick!

Litsea-this was the free product from doTERRA this month and was actually an oil I have had on my wish list.  Litsea is a new oil to me but from my research it is another multi-purpose oil with anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and detoxification properties. I have diffused it so far to create an uplifting, mood-boosting atmosphere and had great results with that. Metaphysically this oil is about manifestation…I resonated well with this as I have so many visions and plans in my head swirling around and tend to have a lot of self-doubt at times. I see this oil as a guide to help put those goals and plans into writing and finding what is holding me back. Believing in yourself and overcoming barriers is what will help you find success and Litsea is helping to open that train of thought.

Whisper– a new oil for me but it is easily a new favorite of mine. This is a doTERRA oil blend that is all about the feminine qualities. I got this oil mostly for the metaphysical properties and just love the way it smells and the empowering energy it provides. 

OnGuard– on every doTERRA LRP I seem to have one of the OnGuard items. I have slowly transitioned away from chemical laden cleaning products and created my own using the OnGuard Concentrate. I also love to use the OnGuard oil mixed with Manuka Honey in hot tea to provide immune supporting benefits. The OnGuard toothpaste is so refreshing and has been added to my sample kits as well as the Protecting Throat Drops. 

I hope this post has helped provide some inspiration on how to use essential oils. Again use my contact me page for any questions. I would be happy to send you a sample kit and complementary meeting to go over personalized ways essential oils could be incorporated in to your life. Feel free to drop a comment below on how you use essential oils!

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