Sage Green Modern New Blog Post With Photo Instagram Post

In sight and on the mind!

Wow has it really been since 2021 that I wrote a post?! Time sure does fly by and life has made lots of twists and turns over the years. I remain committed to my health and wellness and feel ready to start engaging more on here! So here we go!

I recently shared a reel on IG on a fun new toy I bought for my new kitchen and it encouraged this post as I love finding new tools that support healthy habits. We have the luxury of so many products within reach we just don’t know about them yet!

I recently moved out of my place where I lived for 4 years and as I was cleaning out my kitchen in the last place I was a bit upset with myself as I had to throw away so many expired items. I was also pretty disgusted at parts of my pantry and refrigerator were quite dirty. I even found a few gnats in my poorly sealed flour bag 🤢.

Being a person that loves to browse health food stores and try out different tonics, superfood powders, snacks, and random food items for example I had gained quite a collection of some really unique items. Unfortunately, over time, those got pushed back deeper in the cupboards and buried under newer items. I am sure a lot of us can relate. I am making a vow to not do that anymore….as much as possible 😬

My solution: keep things in sight and on the mind, complete routine checks through the cupboards and keep the starches completed sealed!

I wanted to find something that could keep common items displayed in a convenient way that presented well. I found this food dispenser and I have had it on my counter now for a few weeks. I find that I am using these items more frequently than I did before. Items such as lentils and quinoa are so nice to have prepared for a quick, high-protein snack or addition to a meal.  I also have hemp hearts which I love to add to oats, smoothies and cookies to provide a healthy dose of omega 3-fatty acids and protein.

One of the other items that I had to throw away was random “superfood” powders that I had forgotten about. Fortunately it wasn’t from my favorite brand but still an expensive item to discard as these items can be quite pricey. I wanted a way to display my Organifi green, red and gold powders as I do use these on the daily. I used these storage containers that display beautifully on my counter and make it easy to prepare my drinks daily. If you’re looking for a greens powder I highly recommend Organifi. I will be writing about my experience after using the powders as I do believe that they have made a difference in my energy, skin and sleep.

Spices were also something that many of us hold on to for so long and forget about. We purchase them for a particular recipe and then they just sit there. One of the problems may be that we don’t know how to use some of these spices but for many we forget about them; out of sight out of mind. I found a 3-tier shelf for my cabinets that extends to fit in most spaces to be super helpful. I keep them in alphabetical order (for the most part) and whenever I am sautéing up proteins or vegetables I make a point to try spices I wouldn’t generally use. Most of the time I am pleasantly surprised with the outcome.

Finding more ways to simplify our lives in the kitchen and prevent food waste is important to me and I will continue to share my findings! As always reach out to me for any questions you may have and how I can help you in your journey for optimal health!