
Our planet needs us!

Sustainability is a huge topic right now and for good reason. While I still have a lot to learn on the topic I have been so inspired to do my part by raising awareness with my audience and provide education and resources to help combat this massive concern. The health of this world depends on the collective action from all of us to change our ways and reduce our impact.

There is clear evidence that the ways we are living is damaging the Earth and contributing to global warming. The effects of global warming is widespread. Oceans are getting warmer, damaging the ecosystem of marine life and causing more dangerous tropical storms. Have you noticed how much more intense the hurricane’s have been? The increased global temperature is leading to extremely hot conditions. In fact the five warmest years ever recorded have been since 2005 1Have you noticed how much more drought we’re in and the extreme fires we have been witnessing? The warming ocean, flooding, droughts, fires all place huge burdens on our farmers and in turn will jeopardize the way we are able to get our food.

The details above only  scratches the surface of what global warming will cause but what is causing this increased warming? The Industrial Revolution around 1760 kickstarted the climate change catastrophe and has since then only worsened. Burning of fossil fuels, increased transportation, deforestation, pollution, overfishing and factory farming are some of the biggest contributors to production of damaging gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide) released into the atmosphere.

In regards to food production and food waste well this area is a massive contributor to green house gases. Initially I would think of the high-use of plastics and processing methods that are the most damaging and while this area is still concerning I have discovered the issue starts well before the packaging even begins. A few examples are monoculture cropping in which only one crop is produced in a specific field. The main crops are corn, wheat, rice and soy. This type of farming relies on synthetic fertilizers and GMO strains to ensure that the crop is plentiful at all times of the year when really this crop may generally only have specific harvest times. These fertilizers can find their way into streams, rivers, and in to the ocean increasing the pollution. The soil health also becomes depleted as it will lack that biodiversity and inputs from other plants. This in turn means less nutrients in our soil and then less nutrients in our food. Root systems are also impacted. With only root type the risk of soil erosion increases meaning when that rain comes flooding will become more prominent as the soil can not retain the moisture without a complex root system in the ground.

So what are some practices you can do? This is a big question and one that can easily make your head spin as there are so many parts of our life that contribute to the problem. I found myself getting a bit worked up over this as I was literally looking at every area of my lifestyle and habits and seeing there could be change applied to each part. But I had to realize that the best thing I could do was become aware. I realized I am not going to be perfect or be able to change everything all at once but just the step of noticing there is a problem and start making changes was the best option for me. In the next few Sustainable Practices blogs I will be sharing my steps to live more sustainably with the first step highlighted today. You’ll find a few tips I have found to be useful as well as some products and resources I have personally used and have been enjoying.

First step: Cut down on plastics

Fact: “…scientists think about 8 million metric tons of plastic entered the ocean in 2010. That’s the weight of about 90 aircraft carriers, and the problem continues to grow”2

  • Plastics:   I did an inventory of the products I use and thought about ways to use an alternative. Some examples here were the plastic bags for produce, plastic lettuce/greens containers (which I found out my local recycling center does not accept), storage bags, plastic wrap and then my cleaning products.


  • In place of plastic produce bag I use re-usable mesh produce bags and re-usable grocery bags whenever I visit the grocery store or the farmers market. I also try to buy my produce in it’s least processed form. For example I try to buy a loose, bunch of carrots rather than a pre-cut bag of baby carrots. Instead of buying pre-packaged lettuce and spinach I get the actual head of lettuce or spinach bunch. To clean I fill up my kitchen sink and soak the leaves then put into a salad spinner to dry and store in glass storage containers. I have found that this way actually tastes much fresher and provides a bigger yield.


  • Think about all the zippered plastic storage bags and plastic wrap you use in the kitchen. Every time I reach for one of those bags I think, is there a way I could use a glass container instead?. In most cases yes I can use re-usable containers. On that note I highly encourage having a wide variety of storage containers on hand. I like these.


  • Now to the plastic wrap…I have found a really neat alternate to the plastic wrap called Bees Wrap and it works much better than the flimsy plastic wrap. It uses organic cotton, beeswax, jojoba oil and tree resin to make a re-usable wrap that uses the warmth of your hands to mold the wrap over whatever you need. I’ve never found a better a way to keep my avocado’s green after cutting them in half. I highly, highly recommend!


  • Cleaning products…over the last year I can only imagine how many households stocked up with whatever product they could find to clean their homes. All of these bottles generally are used once and tossed in the trash. What I was thinking was why  the heck do we need a cleaner for the windows, a cleaner for the bathroom, a cleaner for the kitchen, basically every item has its own bottle. Then to read the ingredient list and read how it should stay away from our animals or open a window when using…that is a bit concerning. I found a wonderful solution that replaces all of those cleaners, is non-toxic and EPA certified to kill COVID-19 as well as many other viruses. The Force of Nature starter kit comes with the small appliance that electrolyzes water and a capsule of pre-measured salt and vinegar into hypochlorous acid which is safe and just as effective as bleach (plus I feel like a scientist every time I make a new batch). I literally use only this cleaner and my doTERRA concoctions ** to clean my home. From the kitchen, to the bathroom, to the rugs, furniture and exercise equipment it cleans so well and has a really nice, fresh scent. Love, love, love this product.

**doTERRA oils have benefited many parts of my life including my goal to live more holistically with reduced synthetic and chemical-laden products. I love their On-guard line. A blend of orange, clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus and rosemary smells heavenly and is a great cleaner.

I purchased some glass bottles and have used the oil itself with water or the On Guard Cleaner Concentrate to make my cleaner. No plastic bottles to waste, non-toxic, smells wonderful and my house is clean, what more could you ask for? If you have any questions about doTERRA oils or how you can incorporate them into your life I would love to chat with you about that! Click here to schedule a free chat!





These are all just a few examples of ways we can do our part to make an impact. I hope to continue sharing this sustainable quest journey including my second step which was to cut down on food waste.  If this topic interests you stay tuned as this blog category continues to grow. If you’re feeling up to it comment below any ideas, tips, or tricks you have to practice sustainability.



  1. https://www.noaa.gov/news/2019-was-2nd-hottest-year-on-record-for-earth-say-noaa-nasa 
  2. https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/hazards/marinedebris/plastics-in-the-ocean.html
A note about supplements

Dietary Supplements: What you need to know

First off what are dietary supplements?? Dietary supplements can refer to any “dietary source” such as vitamins, minerals, herbs, botanicals, metabolites, amino acids and be provided in several different forms to “supplement the body”.

I get asked a lot “what supplements should I take” (and also ask myself quite often) and wow that is a huge question. This day in age a trip to any grocery store, pharmacy or online search will showcase a huge selection of options of supplements. Reading the label with the promise of better sleep, fat loss, stronger hair and nails, reduced cholesterol, etc it may feel like you should just take all of them. This “health halo” effect is often very misleading and due to the lack of FDA (Food and Drug Administration) regulation on dietary supplements it is quite easy for any company with enough money to start developing a supplement and selling it with some claims that simply are not entirely accurate. As long as the supplement does not contain a new ingredient than FDA approval is not required to market the product.  A company must follow some regulations on the labeling in example it cannot state it will cure a certain disease or condition however the way companies phrase their claims it can still be misleading to the average consumer. And while the FDA does oversee Dietary supplements (if they are made aware of unsafe practices) for me, this category of health produces should be in the “buyer beware” category meaning that taking extra caution and diligence when choosing a product is of upmost importance.


The forms of one particular vitamin or mineral can vary and have different effects on the body. For example, there is not just one magnesium supplement, there are several different forms such as glycinate, citrate, aspartate and so on all of which offer different benefits (or in some case undesired benefit). Also one brand may contain “fillers” and added colors or chemicals which is an entirely different subject on the inappropriate additives to food that can cause more harm than good when consumed. With that being said it is so important to do your research and buy from trusted brands and/or that have been third-party tested (i.e NSF, USP, non-GMO Project, USDA Organic which are detailed below) and made from high-quality and non-GMO ingredients. It is also important to consider toxicity as some multi-vitamins may contain high doses of a certain micronutrient in which taking that particular nutrient in another form may lead to overdosing/toxicity symptoms. Athletes definitely need to be cautious with supplements as there are many additives and substances which are banned by Anti-Doping Associations. Lastly there are supplements that could be contraindicated with certain medications and/or medical conditions so it is always best to check with your doctor when starting a new supplement. With all that being said, let’s take a look at what some of these stamps on your supplement labels mean.


cGMP: Current Good Manufacturing Practices: Enforced by the FDA “assures the identity, strength, quality, and purity of drug products”[1] and that the facility/manufacturer site is within regulatory compliance. “Current” means that companies are staying up to date on practices and regulations. In order for a company to obtain this certification requires an application and thorough audit process which can be quite an expensive process. Unfortunately, this is not a required and many companies do not have this certification but are “supposed” to comply with the regulations. This basically mean that it would have to take a complaint about a supplement for an investigation to be launched. Also this certification really only covers the minimal requirements and does not really test for high quality ingredients or practices.

NSF: The National Sanitation Foundation is a well-respected American organization that tests for quality, potency, cGMP, safety and sustainability. Consumers can be rest assured that if a company has gone the extra step to have NSF examine their product and ensure it does what the product intends and contains the stated ingredients the product is worth the extra dollars. As a side note, NSF does not only review dietary supplements but also reviews other items such as kitchen appliances, plumbing materials, water bottles/water treatment services, beauty products and food items. There are a few sub-categories within NSF certification for dietary supplements.

-NSF GMP which is not specific to the supplement alone but more the actual company. It ensures that the facility follow’s “ best-practice procedures for production and process control systems, personnel, the physical plant and grounds, equipment and utensils, holding and distribution”[2].

-NSF/ANSI 173 is the dietary supplements standard. This stamp would mean that the company is NSF-cGMP certified and the specific product has been reviewed and tested for potency, quality and free of impurities such a pesticides and heavy metals.

-NSF Certified for Sport certification would certify the above plus check for banned substances set forth by the Anti-Doping Agency for professional athletes.


USP: US Pharmacopeia is also a well-known organization responsible for setting quality standards and ensuring specific supplements are within these standards. Through the voluntary, rigorous Dietary Supplement Verification Program a company can receive a USP mark for ensuring the products meets “standards of quality, purity, potency, performance, and consistency – and FDA current good manufacturing practices”[3].

Non-GMO Certified: A stamp from the non-GMO Project assures consumers that the product has undergone a vigorous evaluation and “made according to best practices for GMO avoidance”.

“A GMO, or genetically modified organism, is a plant, animal, microorganism or other organism whose genetic makeup has been modified in a laboratory using genetic engineering or transgenic technology”[4]

This is North America’s only third-party testing  to test for compliance and is a very valuable  stamp. Of note non-GMO is not the same meaning as being USDA Organic.

USDA Organic: This stamp ensures the product you are purchasing is certified by the USDA and abides by their strict production and labeling guidelines and is free of an extensive list of prohibited substances. It is important to pay attention to the label though as some products “contain organic ingredients” instead of the entire product being organic. Knowing that most consumers are attracted to organic products this is a way to make their product stand out. Always look for the USDA Organic label if you are looking for a 100% organic product.

The bottom line: Do your research, ask a professional and if you have the opportunity request a thorough lab test to check your vitamin, mineral, and iron levels to see where you may be deficient. For most people, we are able to obtain all our vitamins and minerals in appropriate amounts through a varied and healthy diet however there are some vitamins such as Vitamin D, Fish-oil and magnesium for example that people tend to be deficient and require supplementation. Does this mean you need to take these supplements? No it just means that it’s something looking into a bit more. I am excited to start a new supplement series in which a new vitamin, minerals, botanical, herb, amino acid or metabolite will be showcased to help bring more education to my friends so you can make more informed choices when it comes to your dietary supplementation.

Here are some resources to help with supplement decision making

Consumer Lab https://www.consumerlab.com/about/

NSF https://www.nsf.org/certified-products-systems

USP https://www.quality-supplements.org

Checking for banned substances in your medications (athletes) https://globaldro.com/US/search

Has your supplement been third-party tested? Check for NSF-GMP, ANSI, Sports https://info.nsf.org/Certified/GMP/,https://info.nsf.org/certified/dietary/ , https://www.nsfsport.com/certified-products/

Office of Dietary Supplements https://ods.od.nih.gov

All about Organic: https://www.ams.usda.gov/rules-regulations/organic

And of course I am happy to help you with your questions. Click here for a complimentary Q & A session.





[1] https://www.fda.gov/drugs/pharmaceutical-quality-resources/facts-about-current-good-manufacturing-practices-cgmps

[2] https://www.nsf.org/knowledge-library/faq-dietary-supplements

[3] https://www.usp.org/verification-services/dietary-supplements-verification-program

[4] https://www.nongmoproject.org/gmo-facts/what-is-gmo/


a gift of wellness-4

My Top Tips to Get you Well

Cold and flu season is most definitely upon us and with COVID-19 raging the struggle to stay healthy is real! While prevention is key, for some of us it is inevitable that we may come down with some sort of bug. Fear not though we can and will get through these times! I am on the tail end of my recovery from COVID-19 and I decided to document all my practices as I have been so amazed and thankful for a body that got me through this journey. Listed is my top tips to beat any virus/illness/bug to help you or your loved one get back on the wellness train quicker and stronger.


I can’t stress the importance of adequate hydration enough. Water accounts for roughly 60% of our total body weight making it one of the most important components of our diet. Some of the most notable functions includes the transport of nutrients and oxygen from blood into cells, fuels hundreds of metabolic reactions, flushes out waste products through the kidney and liver, keeps mucus membranes moistened, and cushions joints. Unless there is a medical condition in which fluids need to be restricted (such as heart failure or kidney disease) aim for at least 30-40mL/kg for adults. For fevers fluid requirements go up by about 2.5mL/kg for every degree over normal (98.6F). Also illnesses that are accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea these fluid losses will need replacing.

For example, take a 165 pound/75kg adult (165 divided by 2.2 to get kg).

75kg x 30-40ml = 2250-3000mL (~2.3-3.0L/day).

Then if this person had a 100-degree temperature (100-98.6F = 1.4)

2.5mL/75kg = 187.5mL x 1.4 = 262.5mL or 8.75oz additional fluids would be needed.

While water is the best option fluid goals can be obtained with non-caffeinated tea, fresh fruits and vegetables, broth/soups, and 100% juice.

For any difficulty consuming enough fluids I suggest estimating needs using the equation above and filling up water bottles or a large water pitcher with all your needs and keep close by. There are also several apps available to help with hydration reminders.


Unfortunately, loss of appetite is one of the main symptoms of any illness but one of the most important factors in getting us well. I like to focus on nutrient dense food and a balance of protein and healthy carbohydrates. This means fresh fruits and vegetables (frozen or canned in 100% juice will also be great) paired with a grain or starch such as potato, winter squash, tortilla or whole-grain bread and a lean protein such as chicken, tofu, turkey or protein replacement (i.e powder or bar). An important reminder, if you’re making meals for yourself or a loved one, during times of illness our bodies are doing a lot of work on the inside to fight whatever the battle is. This process can bring about inflammation and make digestion more difficult. Therefore avoid “heavy” foods such as creamy, high-fat, heavily seasoned items. Raw foods may even be better tolerated when cooked (for example lightly steamed veggies instead of a salad)

Calorie and protein needs are different for each person but needs may be increased during times of illness especially for elevated temperatures. If you are having a hard time eating because of lack of appetite and/or smell/taste changes liquids may be better tolerated. There are several oral nutrition supplements on the market. I personally like Orgain drinks and keep my pantry stocked with ready to pour protein shakes or powders and greens for an easy way to fulfill your nutrition needs. (Comment below for a 30% discount code for your first Orgain order). Juices are a great way to get immune protecting vitamins. My favorite juice blends are carrot + ginger (beta-carotene from the carrots provides a healthy dose of antioxidants) and fresh squeezed orange juice + turmeric (high in vitamin C and anti-inflammatory properties)

Here is a typical day for me when I am sick:

½ cup oatmeal with 1tsp cinnamon topped with a splash of almond milk and chopped banana
2 scrambled eggs
Hot water with Manuka honey and two drops of doTERRA On Guard (I will explain below)

Handful of crackers

Fruit smoothie with scoop of greens and protein powder

Chicken soup with lots of veggie
Whole-grain toast
Hot water with Manuka honey and 2 drops of doTERRA On Guard

Homemade chicken soup with mushrooms, kale, carrots, celery and cashew cream


During the cold and flu season I prepare myself before getting sick by making sure my diet contains a rainbow of fruits and vegetables, minimal concentrated sweets and adequate protein and fluids.  I also have been adding additional vitamins and minerals to support immune health including vitamin C*, zinc and vitamin D. Knowing my body is fueled appropriately before getting sick gives me peace of mind that if and when I do get sick my body will be well equipped to fight off the invader. For dosage I stick to the minimum (Vitamin C 500-1000mg/day, Zinc 15-30mg/day, Vitamin D 1000-2000IU/day**). With approximately 75% of our immunity in the trillions of microorganisms that line our  gastrointestinal tract I also make sure to maintain gut health with a fiber-rich diet and a probiotic with at least 30 billion CFU’s.

*For a diagnosis of kidney disease and/or on dialysis hold off on the vitamin C
**If you have had a vitamin D test recently this can give you a better idea of how much to supplement (reach out to me for more personalized advice)

Relax and Rest

When I get sick I immediately start thinking of all the work that will get behind and try to make up for it by working from home or stressing but in reality all that doesn’t matter. Quality work doesn’t happen unless we are well. Knowing that the majority of our healing occurs during restful sleep, use this time to take a break from the stress of work and personal life and focus on yourself. I find relief from worrying of all the tasks I may get behind on by making lists because If I write it down I know it won’t get forgotten and that helps give me peace of mind. I also enjoy listening to calming music and meditations or reading to help my mind slow down so I can prepare for quality rest. I use Spotify to access meditations but these are available on most music platforms. (Thank you Brittany Boersma founder of @BZenWellness for the great recommendations) The app Calm also provides so many great relaxing soundscapes and guided meditations. Essential oils are my favorite part of my relaxation routine. My favorite oils to diffuse are Lavender, Cedarwood, Roman chamomile and Frankincense.


Your body is requiring more energy to heal and conquer the invader therefore this is not the time to continue training for your marathon. It doesn’t mean that you can not do any movement but just a time to slow down. Body aches and pains can also damper the ability to do much. With my most recent illness I slept more than I had since I was a baby and I let myself because I knew that was what my body needed. With that though my body was so stiff and uncomfortable. I made a point to spend 5-10 minutes a few times each day (between naps) to do some light stretching. I personally love Sydney Cummings You-tube channel for all things fitness. Her Youtube channel is so nicely organized with different playlists including one for stretching. My lower back and hamstrings tightened up from laying in bed all week and I was able to find a streching video specifically for this area. So when can you start training again? This all depends on what kind of illness you’ve had. For example, if you had a moderate or severe case of COVID-19, the risk of having developed cardiac injury is higher in which returning to high-intensity exercise would not be recommended. I encourage you to reach out to your doctor for advice on when it is safe to resume.


Alternative practices

Essential Oils: The last year has been a great exploration on the use of essential oils for so many ailments and this therapy has really come in handy for my recent illness. From preventive measures to times of illness I have found a use for essential oils that have helped immensely.My lovely friend Freedom with Moonbeam Daydream had all the advice for oils to include in my get-well regimen. I prefer doTERRA oils as I know I am getting the most pure and potent essential oils and it is a company that I trust.  I will list my top oils that I reached for during my healing journey**

On Guard: a blend of wild orange, clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus, and rosemary. This oil is great for immune support and killing germs and pathogens. Daily I put two drops in a tsp of Manuka honey with 8-10oz hot water. I also diffused regularly to clean the air.

Oregano: this oil is great for any cold or virus due to its antibacterial and antiviral properties. I take 2 drops in a veggie capsule daily and also rub a few drops on the bottoms of my feet (quickest way to get oils absorbed into the blood stream)

-Peppermint: I reach for this oil with any headaches, sinus issues, and/or fevers. This latest illness brough a few days of fevers, headaches and body aches. A few drops on the bottom of my feet and along the base of my neck and shoulders helped provide soothing relief.

-Breathe: this is doTERRA’s signature respiration blend and it is one of my favorites. I used it for congestion and to help with sinusitis. My favorite way to use this one is applied over my chest and a drop under my nose. Diffused by my bedside also help with sleep.

-Frankincense: this oil is really useful in so many  ways but what I have used it for lately is my sciatica and back discomfort. As mentioned above sleeping so much, being less active than usual and with overall body aches made me super uncomfortable. I found so much relief from a few drops rubbed along my tailbone and then laying on a heating pad. Heat is a great way to drive oils in as well as providing soothing relief from discomfort. This is really the only way I sleep well with body aches.

-Clove: another protecting oil with antiviral properties. I used this oil by taking a few drops in a veggie capsule (along with the oregano as stated above) and also rubbed along the bottoms of my feet.

A powerful punch of oils!

**Of note, the use of essential oils is not an FDA approved recommended therapy. My recommendations are based on my own studies and personal practices.

Manuka Honey: There is a lot of exciting research emerging about Manuka honey’s benefits including the antibacterial and antioxidant properties which makes this powerhouse food a must-have for any get-well toolbox. The honey provides a comforting and soothing addition to hot beverages such as the above-mentioned hot water and On Guard. I personally have been using Manukora honey as the flavor is so perfect and their sustainable and traceable practices make it a wonderful company to support.


I hope this was able to provide at the least some encouragement to take care of yourselves. Our bodies are such amazing machines and it is up to us to fuel it appropriately with food, water, and love.  If you have any questions about any of the information above or want more personalized assistance than please reach out. I now have a complementary,10 minute Q & A session available. Click here for details and booking.

doTERRA LRP Details

My November doTERRA LRP Order

If you are familiar with doTERRA you likely know that the LRP program/benefit is really amazing. Every month this LRP order you can quality for PV points which can be used to buy oils down the road. Also with qualifying orders (at least 125 PV) you will receive the free product of the month. Some months there are free products plus additional free items for orders exceeding a certain amount. For example last month I placed a 200 PV order and received the free product (Clove) plus a free Calmer and Tamer roller, 15mL Peppermint  and the DigestZen Softgels. Please reach out if you have any questions regarding doTERRA and/or the LRP orders. I would love to chat and give you all the details! The use of essential oils has become part of my everyday routine and I love to advocate for things I personally have studied and found benefits from. I thought I would detail my order I received this month to help provide some personal insight on these oils…

Lemon– I go through a bottle of lemon oil each month because I use it in so many ways. From water/tea flavoring, making cleaning products, or helping me focus and provide energy throughout my day it is the multipurpose qualities that makes lemon definitely one of my top 5 oils. 

Grapefruit-also an oil I go through quickly as it has become part of my post-shower routine (few drops in fractionated coconut oil and massaged into skin to help with the detoxification process and helping decrease the appearance of cellulite). Also it’s great in water, helps to control sugar cravings and is just so energizing. 

Wintergreen-this is my first time with this oil but I was drawn to it because of its analgesic and anti- inflammatory properties. So far it’s felt so good rubbed on sore muscles and joints. More to come on this one but so far I’m really enjoying it

Lavender-also a top 5 for me! So many uses with lavender. Traditionally I always used lavender before sleep for the calming effects but it’s become part of my morning routine as well. Good communication is key for successful personal and business relationships and I have found  lavender along my throat to be so helpful in finding my words and expressing myself methodically. I can go on with why I love lavender and all the uses but I’ll stop there for now 🙂

Wild orange-another top 5 for me. This was one of the first oils I had learned about from a dear friend so it holds special memories for me. As a side note this is one of the reasons I love oils: Scent is tied to emotions and memories and I love being able to open a bottle of oil and be brought back to these memories and people. For wild orange I enjoy a drop in tea or baked breads and use it frequently to help with fatigue and coping with stress. Most importantly wild orange is about abundance and creativity. When I smell wild orange I think of my start with doTERRA and the friendships that have been created. It has become an inspiring and motivating oil that revs up my creativity real quick!

Litsea-this was the free product from doTERRA this month and was actually an oil I have had on my wish list.  Litsea is a new oil to me but from my research it is another multi-purpose oil with anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and detoxification properties. I have diffused it so far to create an uplifting, mood-boosting atmosphere and had great results with that. Metaphysically this oil is about manifestation…I resonated well with this as I have so many visions and plans in my head swirling around and tend to have a lot of self-doubt at times. I see this oil as a guide to help put those goals and plans into writing and finding what is holding me back. Believing in yourself and overcoming barriers is what will help you find success and Litsea is helping to open that train of thought.

Whisper– a new oil for me but it is easily a new favorite of mine. This is a doTERRA oil blend that is all about the feminine qualities. I got this oil mostly for the metaphysical properties and just love the way it smells and the empowering energy it provides. 

OnGuard– on every doTERRA LRP I seem to have one of the OnGuard items. I have slowly transitioned away from chemical laden cleaning products and created my own using the OnGuard Concentrate. I also love to use the OnGuard oil mixed with Manuka Honey in hot tea to provide immune supporting benefits. The OnGuard toothpaste is so refreshing and has been added to my sample kits as well as the Protecting Throat Drops. 

I hope this post has helped provide some inspiration on how to use essential oils. Again use my contact me page for any questions. I would be happy to send you a sample kit and complementary meeting to go over personalized ways essential oils could be incorporated in to your life. Feel free to drop a comment below on how you use essential oils!

Eggplant Parmigiana Lasagna

Recreating two Italian favorites

If you love eggplant you are going to really enjoy this recipe. The first time I ever ate eggplant I was at a popular, chain Italian restaurant and ordered the Eggplant Parmigiana thinking it would be a healthier option that pasta. As I furthered my studies in nutrition and began to realize how unhealthy these seemingly healthy options  were, I have continued to try and re-create the favorites but more lightened up. Don’t get me wrong though I still love going out to eat and when I do, I don’t hold back on ordering what I want (unless it is something that’s going to make me feel ill, like dairy). However I like to be able to enjoy these dishes more often and at home.

Eggplant is a great vegetable to include into your diet (unless you are avoiding nightshades) as it is a good source of fiber, vitamins and minerals (B-vitamins, copper, manganese and vitamin K are most prominent) and also contains a host of phenolic phytochemicals that act as powerful antioxidants. As I discussed in a previous post, antioxidants are responsible for cleaning up free radicals and reducing risk of chronic conditions such as cancer, cognitive decline, and cardiovascular disease. Eggplants, with their rich purple to black color, are an indicator of the type of phytochemical present, anthocyanins (a type of flavonoid also present in blueberries, grapes, plums, prunes, cherries to name a few). There are many different subspecies of eggplant that will alter their shape and size, but all will provide similar benefits just maybe in different amounts. For this recipe I used a classic pear-shaped eggplant also known as black beauty. Look for a firm, dark-colored eggplant that feels heavy for size. Ok now that the chemistry part is out of the way let’s get back to talking about this vegetable and how we are going to make it taste so delicious but not make you feel like you ruined your healthy eating.

We know that eggplant is nutritious but what about when you fry it in butter with breadcrumbs and ladle cheese and sodium-rich sauce on top. Well that vegetable dish is providing you with approximately 720 calories, 50g fat (of which 12g is saturated) and 1980mg sodium for the eggplant alone, no side dishes and likely not doing much to benefit your health. One of the main ingredients that make eggplant parmesan and lasagna so delicious is the creamy, melty mozzarella cheese and the crispy eggplant which is obviously going to rack up the fat and sodium. For this recipe I for sure wanted to delete the dairy as that is one item I don’t digest well. I did want to keep the crispy eggplant as I think it holds up better in a baked dish. By baking instead of frying I reduced the use of extra oil or butter. Luckily there are a lot of vegan options for cheese now and for this recipe I tried a new option, Kite Hill Ricotta Cheese. I also like Violife Grated Mozzarella which I use several of their products regularly. Here’s how I made this dish…

Ingredients/Kitchen Tools

  • 2, 1-1.5lb Eggplants
  • 2 tsp. salt
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 cups Italian bread crumbs
  • 8oz Kite Hill Ricotta Cheese
  • 2 tsp. Italian Seasoning
  • 24oz Marinara sauce
  • 1.5 cups Violife Mozzarella Cheese, or mozarella cheese of choice
  • 1/4 cup basil, chopped
  • Large baking sheet
  • Parchment paper
  • 8×8 baking pan

Since eggplants are spongy, they tend to soak excess liquid/oil so to prevent this I “sweated” the eggplants. Start by slicing into ½” slices  and place them on a baking sheet lined with a tea towel. Lightly salt both sides and let sit for at least 30 minutes. Blot both sides of eggplant slices with clean paper towels to get the rest of the liquid and salt off of the eggplant.


Pre-heat oven to 375F and line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.


Beat 2 eggs with 2 tablespoons of water in a medium bowl and in another shallow bowl add 1 cup of bread crumbs. Dip slice of eggplant into egg wash and then coat both sides with breadcrumbs. Repeat process for all eggplant slices and bake for 10 minutes on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Flip slices over and bake again for 10-12 minutes until golden brown

While eggplant is baking prepare the ricotta mixture by stirring in 2 tsp of Italian seasoning into ricotta.

In a 8×8 baking pan spread 1 cup of marinara sauce on the bottom. Start building the lasagna by placing a layer of eggplant. I chose not to have any gaps in my eggplant layers so I cut pieces of eggplant to fill in all the gaps. On top of the eggplant spread ½ of the ricotta mixture followed by ½ cup of marinara sauce and ½ cup of mozzarella. Repeat process with eggplant slices (filling in holes with cut up pieces of eggplant), ricotta, marinara and cheese. Top last layer with remaining marinara and mozzarella cheese. You will likely have left over pieces of eggplant which can be saved for other meals/snacks (eggplant pizzas).

Cover your pan with foil and bake for 25 minutes. Remove foil and bake additional 5 minutes. Let cool and top with chopped basil. Enjoy 🙂 

I have attached a pdf recipe card to save for easy viewing later on. Let me know what you thought of this recipe and any changes you made. 

Homemade Creamy Almond Butter

Hello friends! I hope this blog finds you healthy and in good spirits! (and if not reach out to me and lets see if some nutrition therapy can improve your health). I just got back from a much-needed trip to the desert for some breaks from city life and to clear my head. What a treat it was to be in nature, exploring such an amazing landscape. I highly encourage a trip to Joshua Tree, the town/area is so eclectic, spiritual, and beautiful in its own way. Being a southern Oregon native where we are spoiled with streams, lakes, mountains, and tall trees the desert is most definitely very different from what I am used to but the Joshua Tree beauty is extremely unique (I shared some pictures below).We finished out our weekend soaking in tub in the middle of nowhere! Visiting Wonder Valley Hot Springs made our trip beyond amazing. Words can’t describe how perfect it was to watch the sunrise from a private tub filled with geothermal heated mineral water with my partner! Now back to the food 🙂 


 I wanted to share one of my favorite snack/meals to bring on my outdoor adventures. Nutritious, easy to make, and calorie dense are some of the qualities that I look for in my snacks so that I can keep energized on my adventures. I am not going to teach you how to make a PB & J in this post however I am going to teach you my trick to getting that perfect sandwich with my favorite homemade almond butter.


Any nut butter will provide you with healthy fats and protein but I prefer almond butter as my stomach does not seem to like peanuts or cashews in large quantities. If you have bought almond butter before it can be pretty pricey, up to 12$ for 12oz which is just crazy. Instead I like to make my own almond butter and now prefer mine over store bought. I would say the trick to get a smooth, flavorful butter is to dry roast your almonds before blending. I’ll detail below….

Ingredients/Kitchen tools

  • 1# organic almonds
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • Sheet pan
  • High-powered blender or food processor

To start layer your almonds an un-greased baking sheet, sprinkle sea salt on top and place in a pre-heated oven at 425F. 

Roast for 5 minutes. Take the pan out and shake or turn your almonds over to prevent burning. Return to oven and roast additional 3-5 minutes. Stay vigilant during the roasting process, burned almonds don’t taste very good! If you start to smell them they are done. They should be slightly browned but not dark. 

Once all roasted place them in your food processor or high-powered blender

Turn your machine on high and blend until the almonds start sticking to the side of the machine


Once the almonds pass the powdery phase they will start to look almost wet and stick to the sides. This is the time to turn off your machine and scrape down the sides back in to the blade. You will likely need to repeat this process 3-5 times. 

Eventually your almonds will be almost to the perfect creamy state but don’t be alarmed if they start to ball up as shown. Use a spoon to break apart into smaller pieces and continue blending. 

Once your almonds reach butter state, scrape the sides of the bowl down into the butter and blend one final time


Your almond butter should be well blended, creamy and ready to enjoy however you like. I like it as is but sometimes I will add some sweetener for a little treat. I have tried honey, agave, and maple syrup which were all great. 

I want to emphasize that if you are using a sweetener STIR it in at the end of blending rather than blending it in. If you blend it the viscosity of the butter may change creating a watery texture. 

Plant Power Enchiladas

I am a huge fan of Taco Tuesday and have a lot of fun coming up with new ways to incorporate something different for this day of the week. Also while I am not a 100% plant-based I do try to incorporate at least 2-3 meals a week being plant based which is where the concept of these enchiladas came from. 

The flavors are spicy, rich and smokey and an overall hearty dish. I used a simmer sauce I found at Von’s but any red enchilada sauce will work or you could omit as well but may have a bit more dry of a filling. The cheese I used is dairy free but feel free to use any “cheese” of your choice. I found this meal to be filling without any side dishes but a simple green salad with olive oil and a squeeze of lime would be a perfect side. Comment below if you made and how you liked it!

Serving size is 2 tortillas which will provide ~515 calories, 20g protein, 70g carbohydrates and 17g fat

Click here for the recipe in PDF format


2nd blog

Renew Your Health Shots


During these times I am finding it more important than ever to take special care of my body so my immunity is in tip top shape. There is no better time than now to start building up our immune systems. There are a lot of ways to do this; getting more sleep, eating fruits and vegetables that provide an array of micronutrients and vitamins,  and nourishing the body with stress-reducing activities. This recipe is a great way of ingesting some really powerful ingredients in a shot form; the healthy kind.

We have all seen the little juice shots in the stores that offer a wide array of benefits to our bodies. These are concentrated blends of mostly fruits and vegetables that are aimed at improving our bodies defense  system.  While I still enjoy purchasing these from time to time it’s also nice to know I can create them from home and customize them to whatever my body is needing.

Vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant, is the star of these little drinks. Antioxidants are substances that protect against cell damage. So what does cell damage actually mean? Throughout our daily lives things such as environmental toxins, smoke, pollution, etc as well as natural processes within our body to break down food into usable energy and exercise can create unstable molecules known as free radicals. While our bodies all at one time or another have free radicals it is the imbalance of more free radicals than stable molecules that tips the equilibrium to a more damaging state within our body known as oxidative stress. Having oxidative stress build up is damaging to our cells and in turn can be linked to cancer, Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease and decreased immunity. To help combat these free radicals we can  consume a diet rich in fruits and vegetables chalked full of natural antioxidants. These shots are a great way to get in some of these vitamin C rich fruits.

The ingredients can be interchanged  depending on what your body is needing but the recipe I was needing today contains  coconut water, orange, lemon, ginger, turmeric, cayenne pepper, and black pepper

  • Coconut water: provides electrolytes and hydrating fluids
  • Orange and lemon juice: high in vitamin C
  • Ginger: strong antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties and can help alleviate nausea, settle the stomach and reduce common symptoms of viral illnesses
  • Turmeric: part of the ginger family and a common spice; curcumin is a major component of turmeric and gives turmeric that yellow color and provides anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  • Cayenne: contains vitamin C and other antioxidant properties. More definitive research is still in process however there is promising data that cayenne may improve/increase metabolism and improve heart function
  • Black pepper: includes the spice piperine which helps improves the bioavailability of curcumin (improves how well your body absorbs the nutrient)


½ pound ginger root (peeled if not using a juicer) or about 4oz ginger juice

4 small lemons or about 4oz lemon juice

6 small to medium oranges or about 8oz orange juice

1 tsp turmeric powder

¼ tsp cayenne pepper

Few crack of black pepper

8oz coconut water


  1. Using a high power juicer, extract the juice from the ginger root, lemons, and oranges.

If you don’t have a juicer there are options!

  • Feel free to use store bought organic orange, lemon and ginger juices just make sure there is no added sugar to the juices; you want 100% pure juice.


  • Blend together your peeled oranges, lemons and ginger root in a high-power blender and strain the pulp using a fine-mesh strainer or cheesecloth
  1. Once you have your juice add to a blender along with the turmeric, cayenne and cracks of black pepper and coconut water. Blend for at least 30 seconds
  2. Taste test! Per your preference you can add more heat (cayenne), or if it’s too acidic or strong for your liking you can add filtered water or more coconut water.
  3. Store in air-tight bottles or mason jar for up to 1 week

Nutritional Content

Serving size: 2oz

-Provides 15 calories, 3g carbohydrates , 0g protein

Tips and tricks!

*If you ever purchased those store-bought shots save the bottles, wash and re-use them for your homemade shots. Also they are good for taking dressings on the go!

*Before washing out your blender and/or juice machine collection apparatus fill with fresh, filtered water, swish around and pour into a water pitcher for some refreshing water. Some of the ingredients get stuck on the inside and you don’t want to waste these precious ingredients.

*Get creative, if you don’t like much heat scale back on the cayenne and/or ginger, if you want it to be a little more “earthy” add more turmeric. If you aren’t a fan of coconut water, filtered water or omitting completely is fine. You can add other ingredients such as apple cider vinegar.



*Ingredients have a bit higher acid content and may cause GI upset and/or heartburn. I would recommend consuming with a meal.

*Recipe is higher in potassium, if you have been instructed to monitor your intakes of potassium (i.e kidney disease) than consider other food and drinks that contain higher potassium and reduce

*Turmeric stains! Wipe up and rinse out promptly from counters and clothes






Momtazi-Borojeni AA, Haftcheshmeh SM, Esmaeili SA, Johnston TP, Abdollahi E, Sahebkar A. Curcumin: A natural modulator of immune cells in systemic lupus erythematosus. Autoimmun Rev. 2018;17(2):125-135. doi:10.1016/j.autrev.2017.11.016

Panchal SK, Bliss E, Brown L. Capsaicin in Metabolic Syndrome. Nutrients. 2018;10(5):630. Published 2018 May 17. doi:10.3390/nu10050630