
Carrot Top Pesto

I always love to try new vegetables so I was surprised that this new vegetable was something I used to so often throw out. This new phenomena of using the carrot tops greens has inspired quite a few new recipes, including this pesto. I have seen a few renditions of this recipe and decided to re-create it myself using my own favorite pesto recipe.

Carrot tops still need a little bit of research on all the benefits but here are some facts we do know about these feathery green leaves.

The leave provide good sources of potassium, calcium, vitamin K, vitamin A , vitamin C, chlorophyll, magnesium, and fiber. So these leaves that are typically tossed in the trash can actually provide heart healthy, immune boosting, digestive aiding, and eye health promoting benefits to just name a few.

The leaves are slightly bitter and closely resemble parsley (looks and taste) and arugula (taste). They are ok to consume raw or cooked and 1 cup contains about 90kcals. 7g carbohydrates and 1g protein.

This pesto recipe is great with pasta, used as a pizza sauce, drizzled on fresh tomatoes, and sandwich/panini spread. I hope you enjoy!




Kitchen tools needed:


Ingredients needed:

*1 bunch of fresh carrots, greens sliced off

*1 bunch of fresh basil, leaves removed from stem

*2 cloves garlic

*1/4 cup slivered almonds (pine nuts are also good here)

*1/2 cup grated parmigiana

*1/2 tsp garlic salt

*1/4 cup olive oil



  1. Rinse and pat dry your greens
  2. For the carrot tops remove the leaves by putting one end of the stem between your thumb and index finger and slide up!
  3. Add basil leaves and carrot leaves to the blender
  4. Add the rest of the ingredients to blender
  5. Start blending; to thin the sauce so that it will blend more easily slowly add water. 1/4 – 1/2 cup should do the trick.

Use sauce within 3-5 days or put in sealed, glass bowl to freeze

To unfreeze take out of freezer a day or two before serving or quick defrost by placing in bowl of warm water. Put back in blender to re-mix everything.




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